

单词 handsome
释义 handsomehandsomerhandsomesthandsomehandsome /ˈhænsəm/ adjective1attractive – used especially about men: a tall handsome young officer一位高大英俊的年轻军官Sam was tall, dark, and handsome.be山姆高大黝黑﹐相貌堂堂。2[only before noun] a handsome amount of money is large: He managed to make a handsome profit out of the deal.manage他从这笔交易中获得了丰厚的利润。Word Choice: handsome or good-looking?Handsome is used especially in written English. In everyday spoken English, people usually say good-looking:Do you think he’s good-looking?look你觉得他英俊吗?Handsome is usually used about men. It is also sometimes used in literature to describe a woman who has strong-looking features:Mrs Castle was a tall handsome woman in her late thirties.be年近40的卡索夫人是一位高大俊美的女子。THESAURUS: handsomebeautiful extremely nice to look at – used especially about a girl, woman, or child: She was still a very beautiful woman.bea beautiful baby girlI thought she was beautiful.thinkbegood-looking nice to look at. Good-looking is very common in spoken English: He’s a good-looking guy.lookDo you think she’s good-looking?lookattractive nice to look at, especially in a way that makes you feel sexually interested: All the boys found her attractive.boyfindan attractive man of about fortypretty used about a girl or young woman who looks nice, especially one who has a nice face: She was very pretty and had short blonde hair.behavehandsome especially written used especially about a man with a nice face who is tall and strong: He was tall, dark, and handsome.begorgeous/stunning very nice to look at, especially because you look good in the clothes you are wearing. Gorgeous is used especially by women: You look stunning in that dress!He’s absolutely gorgeous.lovely especially BrE very nice – used especially when telling a woman that she looks nice: You look lovely tonight.You have lovely eyes.eyecute spoken nice to look at – used especially about animals, babies, children, and young adults: a cute little puppyShe thinks you’re cute!think




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