

单词 happy
释义 happyhappierhappiesthappyhappy /ˈhæpi/ adjective (comparative happier, superlative happiest)1feeling good having feelings of pleasure, for example because something good has happened to you or because you are satisfied with your life OPP sad, unhappy: Sam’s been looking very happy recently.belook萨姆最近看起来非常快乐。be happy to do somethingJohn will be so happy to see you.约翰见到你会很高兴的。happy forCongratulations! I’m very happy for you.congratulation恭喜!我真为你高兴。2making you feel good a happy time or event is one that makes you feel happy: Those were the happiest years of my life.behappyyear那些年是我一生中最幸福的时光。They have a very happy marriage.他们的婚姻很美满。the film has a happy endinghaveend这部电影有一个圆满的结局。3willing be happy to do something to be willing to do something: Our team of experts will be happy to answer any questions.expertquestion我们的专家小组乐意回答任何提问。4satisfied [not before noun] satisfiedhappy aboutI’m not very happy about this.我对此不是很满意。happy withAre you happy with their decision?be你对他们的决定满意吗?PhrasesHappy Birthday/Happy New Year etc used as a way of greeting someone on a special occasion: Happy Birthday, Michael!生日快乐,迈克尔THESAURUS: happyhappy: I’m happy to be here with you.She had a very happy childhood.havecheerful looking and behaving in a way that shows you are happy: Sally’s always very cheerful.a cheerful smilebe in a good mood to be feeling happy and behaving in a relaxed way: It was the end of term and everyone was in a good mood.bebepleased happy because something good has happened, or someone has done something well: I’m pleased that I’ve got the job.pleasegetBen’s teachers are very pleased with his work.teacherbepleasedelighted very happy because something good has happened. Delighted is more formal than pleased: The doctors say they are delighted with her progress.doctorbedelightglad happy because something good has happened, especially because a situation has improved, or because something bad did not happen: I’ll be so glad when the exams are over.exambeWe’re glad that you’re safe.thrilled very happy and excited about something that happens: We’re thrilled that they’re getting married.thrillgetmarrysatisfied feeling that something is as good as you hoped, or that something happens the way you want: Most patients said that they were satisfied with the treatment they had received.patientsaybesatisfyhavereceiveBoth sides were satisfied with the agreement.sidebesatisfycontented written feeling happy with your life, job, situation etc and not wanting anything different: She was contented with her life in the village.becontentHe had a contented expression.havecontent




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