

单词 hard
释义 hardharderhardesthardhard1 /hɑːd $ hɑːrd/ adjective1not soft not soft, and difficult to press down, cut, or break OPP soft: a hard mattress硬床垫The plums are still too hard to eat.plumbe这些李子还太硬﹐不能吃。2difficult difficult to do or understand OPP easy: The exam was quite hard.be这次考试相当难。hard (for somebody) to do somethingYour question is hard for me to answer.be你的问题我很难回答。It’s hard to say when Glenn will be back.很难说格伦什么时候会回来。THESAURUS difficult3involving effort/suffering involving a lot of physical or mental effort or suffering: a long hard climb to the top of the hill向山顶又长又艰难的攀登Poor Mary, she’s had a hard life.have可怜的玛丽﹐她一生艰辛。Bringing up children on your own is hard work.bringchildbe独力养育孩子很辛苦。THESAURUS tiring4not kind showing no kindness or sympathy: Mr. Katz is a hard man to work for, but he’s fair.be卡兹先生是个严厉的老板﹐但是他很公正。be hard on somebodyShe’s too hard on those kids.kid她对那些孩子太严厉了。5proof hard facts/evidence facts etc that are true and can be proved: The police have no hard evidence to prove that he is guilty.be警方没有确凿证据证明他有罪。6drugs hard drugs very strong illegal drugs such as heroin7winter a hard winter a very cold winter: Many people suffered during the long hard winter.suffer许多人在漫长寒冬中饱受煎熬。—hardnesshardnesseshardness noun [uncountable]Phrasesdo/learn something the hard way to make a lot of mistakes or have a lot of difficulty before learning something: I learned this lesson the hard way.learn我是吃过苦头才汲取了这一教训。give somebody a hard time informal to criticize someone a lot or make things difficult for them: The guys were giving him a hard time about being late.guybegivebe那些家伙因为他迟到而为难他。hard cash paper money and coins: He insisted on being paid with hard cash.insistbepay他坚持只收收现金。hard currency money from a country that has a strong economy, that is unlikely to lose its value: The country aims to export more to the West for hard currency.aim该国力争增加对西方的出口以赚取硬通货。no hard feelings spoken used to tell someone that you do not feel angry with them any moreWord Choice: Hard or difficult?Hard and difficult are both used to describe something that needs a lot of effort.Hard sounds a little less formal than difficult and is very common in everyday spoken English.THESAURUS: hardhard not soft, and difficult to press down, break, or cut: They slept on the cold hard floor.sleepDiamond is the hardest substance known to man.behardknowfirm something that is firm does not feel soft when you press it – used especially when something feels right: I like to sleep on a firm mattress.Make sure the tomatoes are ripe but firm.tomatobestiff difficult to bend – used especially about things made from paper or cloth: I stuck the photos on a piece of stiff card.stickphotoThe collar of his shirt felt stiff and uncomfortable.feeltough meat that is tough is too hard and is difficult to cut or eat: The steak was very tough.becrisp/crispy food that is crisp is pleasantly firm and makes a noise when you bite it – used especially about lettuce and bacon: a nice crisp lettucecrispy fried baconfry




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