

单词 which
释义 whichwhichwhich /wɪtʃ/ determiner, pronoun1used to ask or talk about one or more members of a group of people or things, when you are uncertain about it or about them: Which book is yours?be哪本书是你的?which ofI don’t know which of us was more scared.bescare 我不知道我们中谁更恐慌。I wondered which dress to buy.wonder我不知道该买哪一条连衣裙。2used to say what thing you are talking about, or to give more information about something: I want a car which doesn’t use too much petrol. 我想买一辆耗油不太多的汽车。The house, which was built in the 16th century, is worth several million pounds.bebuildbepound 这栋建于 16 世纪的房子值几百万英镑。One of the boys kept laughing, which annoyed Jane intensely.boykeeplaughannoy其中一个男孩一直在大笑﹐这让简很生气。She may have missed the train, in which case (=if this has happened) she won’t arrive for another hour.misswin她有可能没赶上那班火车﹐如果是这样的话﹐她再过一个小时也到不了。GrammarYou can use both which and what when you areasking about one thing out of a number ofpossible things.You use which when there is a small number of possibilities: Which house does Tom live in?do汤姆住在哪栋楼里?You use what when there is a very large number of possibilities: What name have they given the baby?give他们给孩子起了什么名字?What is the answer to question 12?be 第 12 题的答案是什么?




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