

单词 herself
释义 herselfherselfherself /əˈself, hə-; strong hɜː- $ ər-, hər-; strong hɜːr-/ pronoun1the reflexive form of ‘she’: She cut herself on some glass.她被一些玻璃割伤了。2used to emphasize that you are talking about a particular woman or girl: She’s leaving – she told me so herself.leavetell她要走了 — 她亲口对我这么说的。Phrases(all) by herself alone or without help from anyone: Katy lives by herself.live凯蒂一个人住。She painted the house all by herself.paint她独力粉刷了房子。have something (all) to herself to not have to share something: Alison had the house to herself that night.have那晚房子里就艾利森一个人。not be/feel/seem herself to not feel well or not behave in the usual way: Sophie didn’t seem herself that morning.那天早晨苏菲好像不太对劲。




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