

单词 surround
释义 surroundsurroundssurroundedsurroundingsurroundsurround /səˈraʊnd/ verb1[transitive] to be or go all around someone or somethingbe surrounded by somethingThe lake was surrounded by trees.besurroundtree湖边树木环绕。The police surrounded the house.surround警察包围了房子。2be surrounded by somebody/something to have a lot of a particular kind of people or things near you: She is surrounded by friends.besurroundfriend 她身边有许多朋友。surround yourself with somebody/somethingHe surrounds himself with exquisite objects.surroundobject他身边都是精美的物品。3[transitive] to be closely related to a situation or event: Some of the issues surrounding alcohol abuse are very complex.issuesurroundbe有些与酗酒相关的问题是非常复杂的。—surroundingsurrounding adjective: the surrounding countrysidesurround 附近的乡村




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