

单词 high
释义 highhigherhighesthighhigh1 /haɪ/ adjective1tall used about things that are a long way from the bottom to the top, or a long way above the ground ➔ height, tall: a high mountain高山high buildingsbuilding高楼How high is the Eiffel Tower?be埃菲尔铁塔有多高?Look how high up the windows are.windowbe看﹐这些窗户真高。 100 metres/30 ft etc higha wall five metres highmetre五米高的墙knee-/chest- etc high (=reaching from the ground to your knees, chest etc)The grass was waist-high.be草有齐腰高。a woman in high-heels (=shoes with high heels)heel一位穿高跟鞋的女士2great greater than usual: Petrol prices are quite high at the moment.pricebe目前的汽油价格相当高。a high temperature 高温a high speed train高速火车The caves are not safe at high tide (=when the sea is at a high level).cavebe涨潮时这些洞穴不安全。I have a high opinion of her (=a good opinion).我对她的评价很高。THESAURUS expensive3of good quality of very good quality OPP low: The standard of his work is very high.be他的工作水准很高。4important more advanced, powerful, or important than other people or things: He rose to quite a high rank in the Navy.rise他跻身海军高层。Security is a high priority.be安全是当务之急的。5sound a sound that is high is near the top of the range of sounds that humans can hear OPP low: I couldn’t sing the very high notes.note我唱不了太高的音。a high-pitched screampitch尖锐的叫声6drugs [not before noun] informal someone who is high is behaving strangely because they have taken drugshigh onThey were all high on cocaine.be他们吸食可卡因后兴奋得很。7containing a lot high in something containing a lot of something: foods that are high in fatfoodbe高脂食物Phrasesbegin/end/finish on a high note to begin, end etc very successfully: The day ended on a high note when Great Britain won the last race.endwin那一天以英国队在最后一场比赛中胜出而圆满结束。THESAURUS: highhigh measuring a long way from the bottom to the top – used about a mountain, wall, building, or fence. Do not use high about people: Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.behigha high cliffThe castle was surrounded by high walls.besurroundwalltall high – used about a person, or about a tree, plant, building etc that is tall and narrow: He’s very tall for his age.a tall towertall treestreeA cat was hiding in the tall grass.behidhigh-rise a high-rise building is tall and modern, with a lot of floors containing apartments or offices: high-rise apartment buildingsbuildinga high-rise office blockmajestic big, tall, and very impressive – used about mountains, buildings, trees, and animals: The city is surrounded by majestic mountains.besurroundmountaina majestic herd of elephantselephantThe lion is a majestic animal.betowering literary extremely high or tall in relation to you, especially in a way that seems rather frightening: the towering walls of the prisontowerwallI suddenly saw my father’s towering figure.seetower




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