

单词 honour
释义 honourhonourshonouredhonouringhonourhonour2 British English, honorhonorshonoredhonoringhonor American English verb [transitive]1to do what you have agreed or promised to do: You must honour this agreement.你必须履行这个协议。We intend to honour our commitments.commitment我们打算信守我们的承诺。2to publicly praise someone, or to give them a special title or award for their achievementshonour somebody with somethingHe was honoured with the Nobel Prize for Medicine.behonour他荣获诺贝尔医学奖。honour somebody for somethingThey have been honoured for their courage.behonour他们因勇气非凡而受到嘉奖。3to treat someone with special respect: I was treated like an honored guest.betreathonor我受到了贵宾般的款待。Phrasesbe/feel honoured (to do something) to feel very proud and glad about something: I’m very honoured to be here.honour能来到这里我深感荣幸。




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