

单词 hostage
释义 hostagehostageshostagehostage /ˈhɒstɪdʒ $ ˈhɑː-/ noun [countable] someone who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy, and may be hurt or killed in order to force other people to do something ➔ kidnaptake/hold somebody hostageThe group are holding two western tourists hostage.beholdtourist这伙人挟持两名西方游客作人质。Two days later, the hostages were freed.daylatehostagebefree两天后﹐人质获释。THESAURUS: hostageprisoner someone who is kept in a prison as a punishment: Prisoners are allowed one hour’s exercise a day.prisonerbeallowhostage someone who is kept as a prisoner in order to force people to do something: Rebels were holding 21 hostages on an island in the Philippines.rebelbeholdhostagecaptive formal someone who is kept somewhere and not allowed to go free, especially in a war or fighting: The gunmen had refused to free their captives.gunmanhaverefusecaptivebe under arrest if someone is under arrest, the police take them and guard them somewhere because they may have done something illegal: The men are under arrest but no trial date has been set.manbehavebe




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