

单词 house
释义 househouseshousehouse1 /haʊs/ noun (plural houses /ˈhaʊzɪz/)1home a)[countable] a building that someone lives in: I’m going over to Dean’s house.go我要去迪恩家。a four-bedroom house一幢有四间卧室的房子at sb’s houseShe’s staying at Alex’s house.stay她住在亚历克斯家里。 b)[singular] all the people who live in a house: Be quiet or you’ll wake the whole house!安静点﹐不然你会把全家人都吵醒的!2building [countable] a building used for a particular purpose: the Opera Houseopus歌剧院a hen house鸡舍3law-makers [countable] a group of people who make the laws of a country: The President will address both houses of Congress.house总统将对参众两院发表演说。the House of Commonscommon下议院4company [countable] a company involved in a particular area of business: a famous Italian fashion house一家著名的意大利时装公司a publishing housepublish一家出版社5at school [countable] British English one of the groups that the children in a school are put into, for the purposes of competing in sports etc6dance music [uncountable] house music ➔ full house, open house, public housePhrasesbe on the house spoken if drinks or meals in a restaurant are on the house, they are free: These drinks are on the house.drinkbe这些饮料免费供应。THESAURUS: househouse a building that someone lives in, especially one that has more than one floor and is used by one family, person etc: Annie and Rick have just bought their first house.buyThe price of houses is going up all the time.housebegodetached house British English a house that is not joined to another house: a detached four-bedroomed housedetachsemi-detached house British English a house that is joined to another house on one sideterraced house British English, row house American English one of a row of houses that are joined togethertownhouse one of a row of houses that are joined together. In British English, townhouse is often used about a large and impressive house in a fashionable area of a city: an 18th-century townhouse in Bathcottage a small house in the country – used especially about houses in the UK: a little cottage in the countrya thatched cottage (=with a roof made of straw)thatchbungalow a small house that is all on one level: Bungalows are suitable for many elderly people.bungalowbecountry house a large house in the countryside, especially one that is of historical interest: The hotel was originally an Edwardian country house.bemansion a very large house: the family’s Beverly Hills mansionhillmobile home (also trailer American English) a type of house that can be pulled by a large vehicle and moved to another placeranch house American English a long narrow house that is all on one level: a California ranch houseduplex American English a house that is divided into two separate homesan apartmentapartment especially American English, flat British English a set of rooms where someone lives that is part of a house or bigger building: His apartment is on the eighth floor.beIn London, I shared a flat with some other students.sharestudentcondominium (also condo informal) American English one apartment in a building with several apartments, owned by the people who live in them: a ten-unit condominium complexa group of housesdevelopment a group of new houses or other buildings that are all planned and built together on the same piece of land: The site is to be used for a new housing development.beusehouseestate British English an area where a large group of houses have all been built together at the same time: She grew up on a council estate in Leeds.grow




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