

单词 joke
释义 jokejokesjokejoke1 /dʒəʊk $ dʒoʊk/ noun [countable] something funny that you say or do to make people laugh: Ed loves telling jokes.lovetelljoke埃德爱讲笑话。joke aboutkids’ jokes about their teacherskidjoketeacher孩子们拿他们老师开的玩笑I only did it as a joke.do我这么做只是开个玩笑而已。 ➔ in-jokePhrasesbe a joke informal to be completely useless, stupid, or unreasonable: Public transport here is a joke.be这里的公共交通简直是在开玩笑。get beyond a joke to become serious and worrying: All this junk mail is getting beyond a joke.beget这么多的垃圾邮件可不是闹着玩的。make a joke (out) of something to treat something serious as if it were funny: It was so bad she tried to make a joke of it.betry这太糟了﹐她想拿它开个玩笑混过去。be no joke used to emphasize that a situation is serious or difficult: Looking after three kids on your own is no joke.lookkidbe独自一人照看三个小孩绝不是开玩笑的事。COLLOCATIONS: jokeverbsto tell a joke (=to repeat a funny story)Sam told me a joke.tell ► Do not say ’say a joke’. Say tell a joke.to make/crack a joke (=to say something intended to be funny)They were all laughing and cracking jokes.belaughcrackjoketo play a joke on somebody (=to trick someone to make people laugh)John’s always playing jokes on his brothers.playjokebrotherto get a joke (=to understand a joke and find it funny)I didn’t get the joke.to laugh at a jokeShe and Vivienne laughed at the same jokes.laughjokesomebody can take a joke (=used to say that someone laughs at a joke about themselves)Come on – can’t you take a joke?a joke falls flat (=people do not find it funny)His practical jokes usually fell flat.jokefalladjectivesa good/funny jokeDo you know any good jokes?jokea bad/terrible joke (=not funny)Dad was known for his bad jokes.beknowjokea sick joke (=very unpleasant and often about death or suffering)Within days of the disaster, people were making sick jokes about it.daybemakejokea dirty joke (=about sex)A bunch of boys were telling dirty jokes.boybetelljokea practical joke (=one that involves tricking someone)His friend had sent him the card as a practical joke.havesendTHESAURUS: jokejoke something that you say or do to make people laugh: Have you heard the joke about the man who found a frog in his soup?hearfindIt was just a joke.beWe all sat around telling jokes.sittelljokepun (also play on words) a joke made by mixing up two different meanings of the same word, or two words with the same sound: a pun on the words ‘bear’ and ‘bare’wordThe title of the book is a witty play on words.bewordShakespeare used a lot of puns for comic effect.usepungag a short joke, especially one told by a professional entertainer: He’s good at telling gags.tellgag




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