

单词 hug
释义 hughugshuggedhugginghughug /hʌg/ verb (past tense and past participle hugged, present participle hugging)1 [intransitive and transitive] to put your arms around someone and hold them, because you like or love them: We hugged and said good night.hugsay我们拥抱并道晚安。2[transitive] to move along the side, edge, top etc of something, staying very close to it: The road to Barcelona hugs the Mediterranean coast.hug通往巴塞罗那的道路紧挨着地中海海岸而行。—hughugshug noun [countable]: Give me a hug before you go.你走之前拥抱我一下。THESAURUS: hughold to have something in your hands or arms: He was holding a bunch of flowers.beholdflower Do you want to hold the baby?grip to hold something very tightly: He gripped the back of the chair.gripJenny gripped the side of the boat to steady herself.gripclutch to hold something tightly, especially because you do not want to drop or lose it: The little girl clutched onto his hand.clutchA man hurried past, clutching his briefcase.hurryclutchgrab to take something in your hand very quickly and suddenly: He grabbed his coat and ran out of the door.grabrunSomeone grabbed my wallet.grabhang on (to sth/sb) to hold something or someone tightly to support yourself: Lucy hung on to the back of the motorbike.hangHang on to me!get/take hold of sth to put your hand or hands around something and hold it: I took hold of the handle and pulled as hard as I could.takepullcan She managed to get hold of the side of the boat.managegrasp written to put your hand or hands firmly around something in a determined way: She grasped the lowest branch and pulled herself up into the tree.grasplowpullhug to put your arms around someone to show that you like them very much: They hugged each other and then said goodbye.hugsay




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