

单词 in
释义 ininin1 /ɪn/ preposition1 used to say the place or container where someone or something is: The cheese is in the fridge.be乳酪在冰箱里。I live in Spain.我住在西班牙。a hole in the groundgrind地上的一个洞2into a container or place: Lou looked in her bag.look卢朝她的手提包里看了看。3used to say how something is done: She performed in a confident manner.perform她表演时很自信。I write to Luca in Italian.我用意大利语给卢卡写信。He spoke in a low voice.speak他轻声说话。4used with the names of months, years, seasons etc to say when something happens: She retired in April.retire她四月退休了。Insects are most active in summer.insectbe昆虫在夏季最活跃。5during a period of time: I earned £75 in a day.earn我一天挣了 75 英镑。6at the end of a period of time: We’ll be back in a week.我们一周后回来。THESAURUS after7doing a particular kind of job: He’s in marketing.market他干营销工作。8wearing something: a man in a suit穿着西装的一位男士Lucy was dressed in black.bedress露西穿着黑色衣服。9used to describe the condition of something or someone: The company was in trouble.be公司遇到麻烦了。You may be in danger.你可能有危险。10arranged in a particular way: We stood in a line.stand我们站成一行。Entries are in alphabetical order.entrybe词条以字母顺序排列。11used to say how common or how likely something is: One in ten homes now has cable TV.homehave现在十个家庭里有一家有有线电视。




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