

单词 insult
释义 insultinsultsinsultedinsultinginsultinsult2 /ɪnˈsʌlt/ verb [transitive] to say or do something that offends someone: You should apologize for insulting her.shallinsult你侮辱了她﹐应该道歉。John would be insulted if we didn’t go.willinsult我们要是不去﹐约翰会介意的。—insultinginsulting adjective: comments that are insulting to womencommentbeinsultwoman对女性无礼的评论Word Choice: insult or offend?If you insult someone, you say or do something very rude to them that shows a lack of respect:The man started insulting me and my family.startinsult这男人开始辱骂我和我的家人。They claim that the advertisement insults women.insultwoman他们声称这则广告冒犯了女性。If you offend someone, you make them feel annoyed or upset by saying something that they think is unkind or shows a lack of respect: I hope I haven’t offended you.offend我希望没有冒犯你。Religious groups were offended by the film.groupbeoffend这部电影冒犯了一些宗教团体。




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