

单词 interview
释义 interviewinterviewsinterviewinterview1 /ˈɪntəvjuː $ -ər-/ noun [countable]1 a meeting in which someone asks you questions, especially to find out if you are suitable for a jobinterview forShe had an interview for a teaching job.haveteach她参加了一个教职的面试。2an occasion when someone famous is asked questionsinterview withan exclusive interview with the President对总统的独家采访He refused to give any interviews (=he refused to answer any questions).refuseinterview他拒绝接受采访。COLLOCATIONS: interviewverbsto have an interviewHe had a job interview on Monday.haveto get an interviewI applied for the job but I didn’t even get an interview.applyto go for an interview (also to attend an interview formal)She went for an interview at a publishing company.gopublishto conduct an interview formal (=to ask someone questions)The interview was conducted in French.beconductadjectivesan informal/formal interviewApplicants will normally have an informal interview with the manager.applicantI was invited for a formal interview.beinvitenoun + interviewa job interviewDo you know how to dress when going for a job interview?gointerview + nouninterview techniqueThe book gives some useful advice on interview technique.givethe interview panel (=the group of people interviewing someone)The interview panel were very impressed with her enthusiasm.beimpress




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