

单词 attach
释义 attachattachesattachedattachingattachattach AC /əˈtætʃ/ verb [transitive]1fasten/join to fasten or join one thing to anotherattach something to somethingPlease attach a photograph to your application. 请在申请表上贴一张照片。the attached cheque/form etcPlease sign and return the attached slip.attach请在所附的回执上签名并交回。2email to connect a document or file to an email so that you can send them together: Please see attached document.attach请见所附文件。3like somebody/something be attached to somebody/something to like someone or something very much because you have known them for a long time: Tom was very attached to his old teddy bear.beattach汤姆非常喜欢他的旧玩具熊。4importance/value attach importance/value etc to something to believe that something is important, valuable etc: Don’t attach much importance to what Nick says.say别太在意尼克说的话。5be part of something to belong to or be part of a bigger organization: The Medical School is attached to the University of Sussex.beattach医学院附属于萨塞克斯大学。THESAURUS: attachjoin to make two things become connected together, especially permanently so that they form a single thing: Doctors used a metal rod to join the two pieces of bone together.doctorusepieceIf you join the two words together, you get ‘shan’t’.wordattach to join one thing to another, so that it stays in position. Attach is often used when you can separate the two things later: She attached the photo to the letter with a paper clip.attachconnect (also connect up) to join pieces of equipment together, especially with a wire or pipe, so that electricity, gas, water etc can pass from one to another: A pipe connects the two gas tanks.connecttanklink (also link up) to connect machines, systems, computers etc, so that electronic signals can pass from one to another: All the office PCs are linked to the main server.belink




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