

单词 lay
释义 laylayslaidlayinglaylay2 verb (past tense and past participle laid /leɪd/)1 [transitive] to put something down in a flat positionlay something on somethingHe laid his hand on my shoulder.lay他把手放在我的肩膀上。Lay the material flat on the table.lie把面料摊平放在桌子上。2lay bricks/carpet/cables etc to put bricks, a carpet etc in the correct place, especially on the ground or floor3lay the foundations/groundwork/base to provide the conditions that make it possible for something to happen or be successful4[intransitive and transitive] if a bird, insect etc lays eggs, it produces them from its body5[transitive] British English to put knives, forks, plates etc on a table before a meal: Can you lay the table for dinner?lie你来摆放餐具好吗?Phraseslay a hand/finger on somebody to hurt someone by hitting them: If you lay a hand on her, I’ll call the police.lie你要是敢碰她一下﹐我就报警。lay claim to something to say officially that something belongs to you: The prince had come to lay claim to his father’s kingdom.havelie王子已前来索要他父亲的王国。lay (your) hands on something to find something: I wish I could lay my hands on that book.canliehand我要是能找到那本书就好了。lay somebody open to something to do something that makes it possible that someone will be blamed, criticized etc: Such behaviour could lay her open to criticism.canlie这种行为会使她遭受非议。lay a trap to prepare a trap to catch someone or something: The thieves were unaware that the police had laid a trap for them.thievebehavelay窃贼并不知道,警察给他们设下了圈套。Phrasal verbslay down something phrasal verb1to say officially what rules or methods must be obeyed or used: strict safety regulations laid down by the governmentregulationlay政府制定的严格的安全条例2lay down the law to tell other people what to do in an unpleasant waylay into somebody phrasal verb informal to attack or criticize someone: Two men were laying into each other.manbelay两个男人在打架。lay off phrasal verb1lay somebody ↔ off to stop employing a worker because there is not enough work to do2lay off (somebody/something) informal to stop doing or using something, or treating someone unkindlylay something ↔ on phrasal verb to provide food, entertainment etc: Lola laid on a great meal for us.lay洛拉为我们张罗了一顿丰盛的饭菜。lay something ↔ out phrasal verb1to spread something out: Let’s lay the map out on the table.lie我们把地图摊在桌上吧。2to arrange a building, town, garden etc: The gardens were attractively laid out.gardenbelay这些花园布置得很漂亮。lay up phrasal verb be laid up to have to stay in bed because you are ill or injuredbe laid up withShe’s laid up with flu.lay她患了流感在卧床休息。




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