

单词 long
释义 longlongerlongestlonglong1 /lɒŋ $ lɒːŋ/ adjective1 measuring a large distance from one end to the other OPP short: long hair 长发It’s a long walk home from here.从这里走回家有很长一段路。My parents live quite a long way away.parent我父母住得很远。THESAURUS far2continuing for a large amount of time OPP short: a long, boring meetingboremeet一个冗长无聊的会议a long period of time 一段长时间It took a long time for the little girl to start to relax.take那个小女孩过了很长时间才开始放松下来。a long day/week (=a boring or tiring day or week)I work very long hours (=more working hours than usual).hour我的工作时间非常长。3used to talk or ask about the distance between the ends of something, or the time between the beginning and the end of something: The snake was at least three feet long.belittlefoot那条蛇至少有三英尺长。His speech was 20 minutes long.beminute他的演讲历时 20 分钟。How long is your garden?be你的花园有多长?4a long book has a lot of pages5a long list has a lot of things on itPhrasesin the long run informal in the future, not immediately: All our hard work will be worth it in the long run.我们这一切的努力终将劳有所值。a long shot someone or something with very little chance of success: It’s a long shot, but does anybody have a screwdriver with them?shootdo我想碰运气问问,有谁呆了螺丝刀吗?THESAURUS: long (sense 2)sense 2long continuing for a long time: It’s a long film – over two hours.hourlengthy continuing for a long time, especially longer than you want or expect: There are lengthy delays on the roads.bedelayroadGetting a visa is a lengthy process.getbelong-running [only before noun] continuing for a long time – used especially about arguments, campaigns, or shows: He’s been involved in a long-running battle with his neighbours.beinvolverunneighbourlong-lasting continuing for a long time – used especially about effects or relationships: The crisis could have a long-lasting effect on the economy.canlasta long-lasting friendshiplastinterminable very long and boring: The journey seemed interminable.seem




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