

单词 message
释义 messagemessagesmessagemessage /ˈmesɪdʒ/ noun [countable]1a piece of information that you tell someone, send to them, or leave for them: Will you give Stephen a message from me, please?提我给史蒂芬带个口信,好吗?2[usually singular] the main idea that someone is trying to communicate in a film, book, speech etc: The film sends a clear message about the horrors of war.sendhorror影片传递了一个明确的信息 — 战争是恐怖的。an effective way of getting your message across (=communicating what you want to say)get有效表达自己意思的一个方法THESAURUS tellPhrasesget the message informal to understand what someone is trying to tell you: OK, I get the message – I’m going.go好的﹐我明白了 — 我就去。COLLOCATIONS: messageverbsto get a message (also to receive a message formal)Didn’t you get my message?to send a messageThey send text messages to each other all day.messageto leave a messageI left a message on her voicemail.leaveto give somebody/pass on a messageCould you pass on a message to him for me?canI asked Rob if he would pass on a message for me.askwillto take a message (=to write down a message from someone for someone else)Sorry, she’s not home yet. Can I take a message?types of messagea telephone/phone messageThere was a telephone message for her to call Harry.bea text messageI use my mobile mainly for text messages.messagean email/mail messageWe got an email message from some friends in Canada.getfriendan error message (=on a computer screen)If you enter a date in the past, you will get an error message.a message of support/sympathy/congratulationsWe’ve had a lot of messages of support.havemessagean urgent messageI have an urgent message for you from Mr Norris.




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