

单词 minute
释义 minuteminutesminuteminute1 /ˈmɪnət/ noun [countable]1 a period of time equal to 60 seconds. There are 60 minutes in one hour: Clare’s train arrives in 15 minutes.arriveminute克莱尔的火车 15 分钟后到。It’s three minutes to ten.minute现在是十点差三分。a ten-minute bus ride十分钟的公共汽车车程He called 20 minutes ago.callminute他 20 分钟前打过电话。2a minute a very short period of time: It’ll only take me a minute to do this.我只要一会儿就能把这做好。He was there a minute ago.be他刚才还在那里。THESAURUS time3minutes [plural] an official written record of the things that were said during a meeting: the minutes of the last meetingminutemeet上次会议的会议记录Is someone taking the minutes?betakeminute有人在做会议记录吗?Phrases(at) any minute (now) very soon: She should get here any minute now.shall她应该随时会到。THESAURUS soonby the minute used to say that something is happening more and more: She was getting angrier by the minute.begetangry她越来越生气。in a minute very soon: I’ll do it in a minute.我马上来做。THESAURUS soonthe last minute the last possible time, just before it is too late: He cancelled the trip at the last minute.cancel他在最后一刻取消了此次行程。Don’t leave it until the last minute to write your essay.不要拖到最后一刻才写文章。 ➔ last-minutethe minute (that) as soon as: I knew it was Jill the minute I heard her voice.knowbehear我一听到说话的声音﹐就知道是吉尔。this minute immediately: Come here, this minute!到这儿来﹐马上!wait/just a minute spoken1used to ask someone to wait a short period of time: ‘Are you coming with us?’ ‘Yes, just a minute.’become“你和我们一起去吗?”“是的﹐稍等一下。”2used when you do not agree with someone: Wait a minute – that can’t be right!等等 — 那不可能是正确的!THESAURUS: minutea short timea minute/moment a very short time: She was here a minute ago.beIt will only take a moment.a second a very short time – used especially when asking someone to wait a short time: Just a second – I’ve forgotten my keys.forgetkeya little while/a short while a short period of time, especially a few hours, days, or weeks: He’ll be back in a little while.The painting sold a short while ago for £20 million.paintsell




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