

单词 mixed
释义 mixedmixedmixed /mɪkst/ adjective1consisting of a lot of different types of things, people, ideas etc: mixed herbsmixherb混合药草We had mixed feelings (=feelings of happiness and sadness at the same time) about moving so far away.havemixfeelingmove搬到这么远的地方去﹐我们心情复杂。2mixed reaction/response/reviews etc if something gets a mixed reaction etc, some people say they like it, but others dislike it: The film has had mixed reviews from the critics.havehavemixreviewcritic这部影片影评家的评论褒贬不一。3British English for both males and females ➔ co-ed: a mixed schoolmix一所男女混合学校Phrasesa mixed blessing something that is good in some ways but bad in others: Living so near my parents was a mixed blessing.liveparentbemixbless住得离我父母这么近有利亦有弊。(of) mixed race a person of mixed race has parents of different races: He is of mixed race.bemix他是混血儿。




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