

单词 bank
释义 bankbanksbankbank1 /bæŋk/ noun [countable]1place for money the company or place where you can keep your money or borrow moneyin the bankI think I’ll put the money in the bank.我想我要把钱存进银行里。2of river land along the side of a river or lakebank ofthe banks of the River Thamesbank 泰晤士河两岸the river bank河岸3of blood/information etc a store of something that is kept until people need it: a blood bank血库a data bankdatum数据库bank ofa bank of information 信息库4of earth/snow etc a large sloping mass of earth, sand, snow etc: a grassy bank一个长满青草的土墩bank ofa huge bank of earth 一个大土堆5of cloud/fog a mass of cloud or fog ➔ bottle bank, food bank, piggy bankCOLLOCATIONS: bankverbsto go to the bankI’m going to the bank to get some money.goto borrow (something) from a bankThey were forced to borrow from the bank.beforceto put something in the bankShe went to put some cheques in the bank.gochequea bank lends (somebody) somethingThe bank has lent thousands which it will never get back.havelendbank + nouna bank accountWe had almost nothing in our bank account.haveyour bank balance (=the amount in your bank account at a particular time)You can check your bank balance online.a bank loanHe tried to get a bank loan to start a business.trya bank note (=a piece of paper money)a $10 bank notea bank statement (=a record of all the money taken out of and put into a bank account)I read my bank statement every month.a bank managerYou should talk to your bank manager about a loan.shalla bank robber/robberyThe bank robbers were never caught.robberbecatch




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