

单词 option
释义 optionoptionsoptionoption AC /ˈɒpʃən $ ˈɑːp-/ noun [countable]1something that you can choose to do SYN choice: It’s the only option we have left.leave这是我们剩下的唯一选择。You have the option of walking or going on the bus.walkgo你可以选择步行或者坐公共汽车。2have no option (but to do something) to have to do something, especially when you do not want to do it: They had no option but to cut jobs.havejob他们别无选择﹐只好裁减职位。Phraseskeep/leave your options open to not make a definite decision so that you have more possibilities to choose from: Leave your options open until you have the results of the test.optionresult先别作决定﹐等化验结果出来了再说。




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