

单词 vary
释义 varyvariesvariedvaryingvaryvary AC /ˈveəri $ ˈveri/ verb (past tense and past participle varied, present participle varying, third person singular varies)1[transitive] if things vary, they are all different from each othervary from something to somethingPrices vary from £15 to £25.price价格从 15 英镑到 25 英镑不等。vary inThe flowers vary in colour and size.flower花朵的颜色和大小各不相同。2[transitive] to changevary according toHis moods seem to vary according to the weather.moodaccord他的心情似乎随着天气而变化。‘What do you wear when you go out?’ ‘Well it varies.’vary“你出去的时候穿什么?”“这个嘛﹐不一定。”3[transitive] to regularly change what you do or the way that you do it: You need to vary your diet.你的饮食需要有变化。—varyingvarying adjective: varying degrees of successvarydegree不同程度的成功




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