

单词 phoney
释义 phoneyphonierphoniestphoneyphoney (also phonyphonierphoniestphony American English) /ˈfəʊni $ ˈfoʊ-/ adjective1not real, and intended to deceive someone SYN fake: a phoney American accent伪装的美国口音2disapproving pretending to be something you are not—phoneyphoney noun [countable]THESAURUS: phoneyfalse not real – used especially about teeth, eyelashes etc. Also used about a name, address etc that someone uses to deceive people: She was wearing false eyelashes.beweareyelashThe man used a false name.usefake not real, and intended to deceive people. Fake sounds more informal than false: a fake £20 notea fake IDa fake Cartier watcha fake fur coatforged a forged document or bank note is an illegal copy of a real one: a forged passportforgea forged £50 noteforgecounterfeit counterfeit money or goods are an illegal copy of the real thing: He was arrested for trying to exchange counterfeit money.bearresttrycounterfeit drugsdrugimitation imitation leather, fur etc is made to look like leather, fur etc, but is not real: They’re only imitation diamonds.diamondan imitation leather jacketphoney, phony disapproving informal not real, and intended to deceive people: She spoke with a phoney New York accent.speakphony qualificationsqualification




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