

单词 pick
释义 pickpickspickpick2 noun [countable] a pickaxePhrasestake/have your pick if you can take or have your pick of different things, you can choose which one you want: Take your pick from a choice of hot or cold dishes.dish 有热菜和凉菜﹐你自己选吧。She could take her pick of any of the men in the office.canman她可以挑选办公室里任何一个男人。the pick of something informal the best of a group of things or people: We’ll be reviewing the pick of this month’s new movies.reviewmovie我们将评议本月的最佳新片。All the wines were good but this was the pick of the bunch.winebebe所有的葡萄酒都不错﹐但这是其中之最。




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