

单词 ripe
释义 riperiperripestriperipe /raɪp/ adjective fruit that is ripe is ready to eat: Those peaches don’t look ripe yet.peach那些桃子看上去还没熟。ripe tomatoestomato成熟的番茄—ripenripensripenedhaed-ripenedripeningripen verb [intransitive and transitive]: The apples were ripened to perfection.appleberipen这些苹果已熟透了。Phrasesbe ripe for something to be ready for a change to happen, especially when it should have happened sooner: The area is ripe for development.be这片地区可以开发了。The time is ripe (=it is the right time) for trade talks.betalk贸易谈判的时机已经成熟。




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