

单词 tip
释义 tiptipstiptip1 /tɪp/ noun [countable]1end the narrow or pointed end of somethingtip ofthe tip of her nose她的鼻尖2money an additional amount of money that you give to someone such as a waiter or taxi driver: I gave him a big tip.give我给了他不少小费。3advice a helpful piece of advicetip on/forHe gave me some tips on travelling alone.givetiptravel他给了我一些有关独自旅行的建议。4for waste British English an area where unwanted waste is taken and left SYN dump: a rubbish tip 垃圾弃置场5untidy place British English informal a very dirty or untidy place: This place is an absolute tip!be这个地方太脏了! ➔ felt tip penPhraseson the tip of your tongue if a word or phrase is on the tip of your tongue, you nearly say it but do not, because you cannot remember it or because you decide not to say it: His name was on the tip of my tongue.be他的名字就在我嘴边。the tip of the iceberg a small sign of a much larger problem: The arrest of these gangsters is just the tip of the iceberg.gangsterbe逮捕这几个劫匪只是冰山一角。COLLOCATIONS: tip (SENSE 3)SENSE 3verbsgive somebody a tipHe can give you some tips on how to play better.tipwellpass on a tip (=give one to other people)People use the Internet to pass on money-saving tips.savetipfollow a tipIf you follow these tips, revising for your exams will be much easier.tipreviseexameasypick up a tip (=get one)Did you pick up any good tips on your cookery course?dotipadjectivesa good/useful/helpful/handy tipThe leaflet gives some useful tips on riding your bike safely.givetipridea good tip for making perfect pastamakea simple tip (=one that is easy to follow)Here are some simple tips for healthy eating.betipeatnoun + tipcooking/gardening/beauty etc tipsOur magazine is packed with great beauty tips.bepacktipCOLLOCATIONS: tip (SENSE 2)SENSE 2verbsleave a tip (=for a waiter in a restaurant)Did you leave a tip?dogive somebody a tipI gave the driver a tip.giveadjectivesa big/large/generous tipThe service was great and we left a big tip.beleavea 5%/10% etc tipPeople normally give a 10% tip.a £2/$5 tipHe gave the waitress a $10 tip.give




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