

单词 same
释义 samesamesame1 /seɪm/ adjective the same a)the same person, place, thing etc is one particular person etc and not a different one: They go to the same place for their vacation every summer.他们每年夏天都去同一个地方度假。Kim’s birthday and Roger’s are on the same day.be金和罗杰的生日在同一天。 b)used to say that two or more people, things, events etc are exactly like each other: The same thing could happen again.can 同样的事情可能还会发生。That’s funny, Simon said exactly the same thing.say 真有趣﹐西蒙说了一模一样的话。the same asShe does the same job as I do, but in a bigger company.dobig她和我做同样的工作﹐不过她任职的公司较大。GrammarYou always say the same. Do not say ‘We studied in a same class.’ Say We studied in the same class.study(我们在同一个班里学习。)Phrasesat the same time1if two things happen at the same time, they happen together: How can you type and talk at the same time?你怎么能一边打字一边说话?2used when you want to say that something else is also true: She was a little suspicious of him, but at the same time she liked him.belike她对他有点怀疑﹐同时又喜欢他。the same old story/excuse etc informal something that you have heard many times before: It’s the same old story – his wife didn’t understand him.还是那一套—说妻子不理解他。THESAURUS: samethe same used to say that two or more people, things, events etc are exactly like each other: Jane and Rachel were wearing the same dress.bewearidentical identical things are exactly the same in every way. Identical sounds stronger than the same: The two snakes have identical markings.snakemarkingThe packets are identical.packetbesimilar if things or people are similar, they are like each other: Their voices are very similar on the phone.voicebejust like/exactly like especially spoken used to say that there is very little difference between two people or things: She sounded just like my teacher.soundHe had a bag exactly like mine.havematching [only before noun] having the same colour, style, pattern etc as something else: She was wearing a diamond necklace with matching earrings.bewearmatchearring




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