

单词 schedule
释义 scheduleschedulesscheduleschedule1 AC /ˈʃedjuːl, ˈske- $ ˈskedʒʊl, -dʒəl/ noun1[uncountable and countable] a plan of what someone is going to do, or when work is to be doneon schedule (=at the planned time)The project looks like finishing on schedule.lookfinish 这个项目看来能够按计划完成。ahead of/behind schedule (=earlier or later than the planned time)Meg’s book was written well ahead of schedule.bewrite 梅格的书写成了﹐较预定时间早了很多。busy/tight schedule (=a plan that includes a lot of things to be done in a short time)I have a busy schedule this week. 这星期我的日程安排得很忙。schedule ofa schedule of meetingsmeeting会议日程表2[countable] American English a list that shows the times that buses, trains etc leave or arrive SYN timetable British English3[countable] a formal written listschedule ofa schedule of postal chargescharge邮资一览表




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