

单词 seriously
释义 seriouslyseriouslyseriously /ˈsɪəriəsli $ ˈsɪr-/ adverb1very much or very badlyseriously ill/injured/damaged etcNobody was seriously hurt in the accident.be这次事故中没人受重伤。I’m seriously worried about Ben.worry我非常担心本。2in a way that is not joking, because something is important: I’m thinking seriously about leaving my job.thinkleave我正认真地考虑要辞职。take somebody/something seriously (=think they are very important)You shouldn’t take what he says seriously.say他说的话你不该当真。3spoken used to say that you are not joking, or to ask whether someone is joking: Seriously, he likes you.like说真的﹐他喜欢你。




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