

单词 something
释义 somethingsomethingsomething /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ pronoun used to mention a thing without saying what it is ➔ anything: She said something that I found very interesting.sayfindinterest 她说了些我觉得很有趣的事。Would you like something to drink?will你想喝点什么吗?There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about.want 还有些别的事我想和你谈谈。I was afraid something like this would happen.bewill 我害怕会发生像这样的事情。He said something about a party.say 他说了些关于派对的事。There was something wrong.be 出问题了。I wish they would do something about that noise.will我希望他们能想办法解决一下噪音问题。Phrasesbe (really) something used to say that a thing, action, person etc is impressive or unusual: It’s really something to see all those jets taking off together.jettake这么多喷气式飞机同时起飞﹐那场面真是壮观。have/be something to do with to be connected with a person, thing, or activity in a way that you are not sure about: High-fat diets may have something to do with the disease.diet这种疾病可能与高脂肪饮食有关。... or something informal used when you cannot remember or cannot be sure: Maybe I cooked it too long or something.cook可能是我煮得太久了或者什么的。something like used when giving a number or amount that is not exact: It will take something like four hours.hour这需要四个小时左右。that’s something spoken used to say that there is one thing that you should be glad about, even if everything else is wrong: At least we’ve got some money left – that’s something.littlegetleave至少我们还剩一些钱 — 总算不错了。there’s something in ... used to admit that an idea is worth considering: There’s something in what you say.你的话有点道理。UsageIn questions and negative sentences, you usually use anything: Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?bewant你还有什么想说的吗?I don’t know anything about computers.computer我对电脑一窍不通。However, when you are offering someone some food or drink, you often say: Would you like something to eat/drink?will你要吃点/喝点什么吗?




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