

单词 squeak
释义 squeaksqueakssqueakedsqueakingsqueaksqueak /skwiːk/ verb [transitive] to make a very high sound: Is that your chair squeaking?besqueak是你的椅子在嘎吱作响吗?—squeaksqueakssqueak noun [countable]THESAURUS: squeaka high soundsqueak a very short high sound or cry: the squeak of a rocking chairrockThe puppy gave a little squeak, then ran off.giveruncreak a long high sound, like the sound of an old door opening: the creak of footsteps on the stairsfootstepstairscreech a loud, long, unpleasantly high sound – used especially about someone’s voice, or about brakes or tyres: I heard a screech, then the car crashed into the wall.hearcrashbeep a high electronic sound that a machine sends out: I keep hearing beeps coming from your mobile phone.hearbeepcome




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