

单词 stir
释义 stirstirsstirredstirringstirstir1 /stɜː $ stɜːr/ verb (past tense and past participle stirred, present participle stirring)1 [transitive] to mix a liquid or food by moving a spoon around in it: Add milk, then stir for five minutes.minute加入牛奶,然后搅拌五分钟。stir something into somethingStir the flour into the mixture.将面粉拌入混合料中。2[intransitive and transitive] to move slightly, or to make someone or something do this: A gentle breeze stirred the curtains.stircurtain一阵微风吹动了窗帘。He hadn’t stirred from his chair all morning.stir他一上午都坐在椅子上动也不动。3[transitive] to make someone feel an emotion: The music stirred childhood memories.stirmemory这音乐唤起了儿时的回忆。Phrasal verbsstir something ↔ up phrasal verb to deliberately cause problems or arguments: John was always stirring up trouble.bestir约翰老是惹事。




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