

单词 substance
释义 substancesubstancessubstancesubstance /ˈsʌbstəns/ noun1[countable] any type of solid, liquid, or gas: The bag was covered with a sticky substance.becover 包上粘满了黏乎乎的东西。a poisonous substance有毒物质2[singular, uncountable] the most important ideas in a speech or piece of writingsubstance ofThe news report said little about the substance of the peace talks.saytalk 新闻报道对这次和谈的主要内容言之甚少。in substanceWhat she said, in substance, was that the mayor should resign.saybeshall她所说的中心意思是市长应该辞职。3[uncountable] formal if something has substance, it is true: There’s no substance to the rumour. 这个传言没有事实根据。without substanceHis remarks are completely without substance.remarkbe他的话毫无根据。THESAURUS: substancematerial a solid substance used for making things: Their products are made from recycled materials.productbemakerecyclematerialsubstance a type of liquid or solid, such as a chemical, mineral, or something produced by your body, a plant etc: The tree was covered in a sticky substance.becoverDiamond is the hardest substance known to man.behardknowa poisonous substancestuff informal a substance – used especially when you do not know exactly what something is: What’s that stuff you clean the floor with?




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