

单词 timid
释义 timidtimidertimidesttimidtimid /ˈtɪmɪd/ adjective shy and not showing courage or confidence—timidlytimidly adverb—timiditytimidity /təˈmɪdəti/ noun [uncountable]Word Choice: timid or nervous?A timid person is shy and does not want to talk to people or do things, because they are frightened about what might happen if they do: She was too timid to ask for help.be她太胆小,不敢寻求帮助。You also use timid about animals: Hedgehogs are timid creatures.hedgehogbecreature刺猬是胆小的动物。If you feel nervous, you cannot relax because you feel slightly worried about something that is going to happen: I always get nervous before exams.exam考试前我总是很紧张。THESAURUS: timidshy nervous and embarrassed about meeting or talking to other people: Anna was too shy to talk to anyone at the party.beself-conscious worried and embarrassed about what you look like or about what other people think of you: He felt very self-conscious as he arrived at the hotel in his new suit.feelarrivetimid shy and not brave or confident: Peter was a very timid child.bereserved unwilling to show or talk about your thoughts and feelings: Her father was a shy, reserved man.bereserveintroverted quiet, shy, and not enjoying being with other people: She was an introverted girl with few friends.befriend




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