

单词 towards
释义 towardstowardstowards /təˈwɔːdz $ tɔːrdz, twɔːrdz/ (also towardtoward American English /təˈwɔːd $ tɔːrd, twɔːrd/) preposition1 moving, facing, or pointing in a particular direction: I saw Tim coming towards me.seecome我看见蒂姆正朝我走来。She stood with her back towards me.stand她背对我站着。2used to say that someone is involved in a process that will lead to something: Britain was moving towards war.bemove 英国离战争越来越近。the first steps towards an agreementstep为达成协议迈出的最初几步3your attitude towards something or someone is how you feel about them or treat them: Attitudes towards divorce have changed.attitudechange 人们对离婚的态度已经改变。They were very sympathetic towards me at work.be 同事们非常体谅我。4in order to help pay for something: Mum gave me £500 towards a car.give妈妈给我 500 英镑资助我买车。The money from the sale went towards new computers.gocomputer 卖得的钱款用来买了新电脑。5near a particular time or place: I often feel tired toward 5 o’clock.tire快到五点时我常常感到疲倦。It’s cooler towards the coast.cool靠近海岸的地方比较凉。




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