

单词 war
释义 warwarswarwar /wɔː $ wɔːr/ noun [uncountable and countable]1when there is fighting between two or more countries or between opposing groups within a country OPP peace: He fought in the Vietnam War.fight他参加过越南战争。war against/withthe war with Spain 与西班牙的战争war betweenthe war between Iran and Iraq 伊朗和伊拉克之间的战争be at war (with somebody)In 1793 England was at war with France.be1793 年英国与法国交战。2a situation in which a person or group is fighting for power, influence, or control: a trade war between Europe and the US欧洲与美国的贸易战3a struggle over a long period of time to control something harmfulwar against/onthe war against drugsdrug打击毒品的斗争 ➔ prisoner of warCOLLOCATIONS: warverbsto fight a warThey fought a long war against the invaders.fightinvaderto fight in a war (=to take part as a soldier)Her father was away fighting in the war.befightto win/lose a warThey won the war because they had a more disciplined army.winhavedisciplineWhat would have happened if we’d lost the war?willhappenloseto declare warItaly declared war on Germany in 1943.declareto go to war (=to become involved in a war)We should not go to war over this matter.shallto make/wage war (=to start and continue a war)They waged war against their enemies.wageenemy ► Do not say ’do the war’. Say go to war or make war.war breaks out (=starts)They married just before war broke out.marrybreaknoun + warthe outbreak of war (=the time when a war starts)A week after the outbreak of war, he joined the army.joinwar + nounthe war yearsWhat was life like during the war years?beyeara war veteran (=someone who took part in a war)payments to disabled war veteranspaymentdisableveterana war heroThe other presidential candidate is a war hero.bea war zone (=an area where a war is fought)She reported from the war zone.reporta war woundHe still suffered pain from an old war wound.sufferwindtypes of wara world warHe lived through two world wars.livewara civil war (=between opposing groups within a country)He fought in the Spanish Civil War.fighta nuclear war (=involving nuclear weapons)The effects of a nuclear war would be terrible.effectwill




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