

单词 warm
释义 warmwarmerwarmestwarmwarm1 /wɔːm $ wɔːrm/ adjective1slightly hot, especially in a pleasant way OPP cool ➔ warmth: a nice warm bath惬意的温水浴The weather was lovely and warm.be天气宜人又暖和。I’ve put your dinner in the oven to keep it warm. 我把你的饭菜放进了烤箱里保温。keep/stay warmMake sure you keep warm!一定要穿暖和点!2clothes or buildings that are warm can keep in heat or keep out cold: Here, put on your nice warm coat.来﹐穿上你这件舒适暖和的大衣。3friendly: a warm welcome 热烈的欢迎The Hungarian people are warm and friendly.be 匈牙利人民热情友好。THESAURUS friendly—warmlywarmly adverb: She smiled warmly.smile她热情地微笑着。THESAURUS: warmhot having a high temperature: It’s really hot today.a hot drinkI’m too hot!It was too hot in the office to do any work.beBe careful – that plate’s hot.warm a little hot, especially in a way that is pleasant: a warm summer’s eveningevenThe bread was still warm from the oven.beboiling (hot) informal very hot: It’s boiling hot in here!boilI’m boiling.boilThe weather was absolutely boiling.beboilhumid if the weather or a place is humid, it is hot and the air feels wet and uncomfortable: Hong Kong gets very humid at this time of year.gethumid weatherlukewarm slightly warm, but not warm enough – used about a liquid that you would like to be hotter: a cup of lukewarm coffeeThe bath water was lukewarm.belike an oven extremely hot and uncomfortable – used about the inside of rooms, buildings, and cars: It was like an oven in the car.befeverish if someone is feverish, their skin feels hot because they are ill: His forehead felt all feverish.feelfriendly behaving towards people in a way that shows you like them and want to talk to them or help them: She’s always very friendly and wants to know what I’ve been doing.wantbedoIt’s good to see a friendly face.nice especially spoken friendly and kind. Nice is very common in everyday conversation: Chris is such a nice guy.beThe woman on the phone wasn’t very nice to me.warm a warm welcome or smile is very friendly: The singer received a warm welcome from her fans.receivefanHe greeted us with a warm smile.greetsociable someone who is sociable enjoys being with other people and talking to them: He was very sociable and people were always asking him to their parties.bebeaskpartyI’m not feeling very sociable at the moment.feelwelcoming friendly to people who have just arrived somewhere: Everyone in the book club was very welcoming.bewelcomehospitable friendly and generous to someone who is visiting your home or country: Most of the people I met in Scotland were very hospitable and kind.meetbeeasy to get on with British English informal, easy to get along with American English informal friendly and easy to work or live with: My father wasn’t always very easy to get on with.




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