

单词 brilliant
释义 brilliantbrilliantbrilliant /ˈbrɪljənt/ adjective1light/colour brilliant light or colour is very bright and strong: brilliant sunshine 灿烂的阳光brilliant blue eyeseye明亮的蓝眼睛2intelligent very clever, skilful, or successful: a brilliant scientist一名杰出的科学家That’s a brilliant idea!多聪明的主意呀!He’s had a brilliant career.have他事业成就辉煌。THESAURUS intelligent3very good British English informal extremely nice or enjoyable: ‘How was your holiday?’ ‘It was brilliant!’bebe“你的假期怎么样?”“棒极了!”THESAURUS nice—brilliancebrilliancesbrilliance noun [uncountable]—brilliantlybrilliantly adverbTHESAURUS: brilliantbright a bright light shines strongly: The plant needs plenty of bright light.needthe bright light of the moonstrong strong light is very bright and often hot: Strong sunshine can be dangerous.The sun is strongest in the middle of the day.bestrongbrilliant extremely bright, especially in a way that is beautiful: The garden was full of brilliant autumn sunshine.bedazzling a dazzling light is so bright that you cannot look at it: the dazzling reflection of the sun on the icedazzleblinding a blinding light is so bright that it makes you unable to see after you have looked at it: There was a blinding flash and then a huge explosion.beblindintelligent having a high level of mental ability and good at learning and understanding ideas: Some dogs are quite intelligent.dogbeYou have to be very intelligent to be a doctor.His father was a highly intelligent man.beclever especially BrE, smart especially AmE able to think and learn quickly and find ways to solve problems: You’re so clever! How did you think of that?doA smart lawyer spotted a mistake in the police evidence.spotShe’ll know the answer – she’s much smarter than I am.smartbebright intelligent – used especially about children and young people: She’s a bright kid.the brightest student in the classbrightHe’s young and he’s bright – he will go far.brilliant extremely intelligent and good at the work you do: a brilliant scientistgifted a gifted child is much more intelligent than most children of the same age: a special school for gifted childrengiftchildwise able to make good decisions and give sensible advice, especially because you have a lot of experience of life: a wise old mancunning good at getting what you want, often by making secret plans or tricking people: He was a cunning politician who knew how to use the situation to his advantage.beknow




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