

单词 each
释义 eacheacheach /iːtʃ/ determiner, pronoun, adverb every person or thing: She had a bottle in each hand.have她两只手各拿着一个瓶子。Tickets cost £5 each (=each ticket costs £5).ticket票价为五英镑一张。each ofEach of the children sang a song.childsing每个孩子都唱了一首歌。We were given ten minutes each (=each of us was given ten minutes).begiveminute我们每个人都有十分钟时间。each day/week/month etc (=on each day, in each week etc)I get one day off each week.我每周休息一天。Word Choice: each, every, or all?You use each when you are considering people or things separately. Each is followed by a singular noun: Each student has a desk.have学生每人一张课桌。Each car is carefully checked before it leaves the factory.becheckleave每辆车出厂前都经仔细检验。You use every or all when you are considering all the people or things together as a group. Every and all are followed by a plural noun:Every child in the class passed the test.pass 班上每个孩子都通过了考试。All the children enjoyed the trip.childenjoy 这次旅行所有孩子都很开心。




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