

单词 clear
释义 clearclearsclearedclearingclearclear2 verb1tidy up (also clear up) [transitive] to tidy or empty a place by removing things ➔ clear-outclear something off/from somethingPlease clear all books from the library desks.bookdesk请把图书馆桌子上的书都收拾好。clear something of somethingThe roads had been cleared of snow.roadhavebeclear道路上的积雪已经清除了。clear something away (=put things where they belong)John, clear your toys away, please.toy约翰﹐请把你的玩具收拾好。clear something out (=remove things you do not want)I spent the afternoon clearing out my desk.spendclear我下午在清理书桌。After meals, I clear the table (=remove the plates, glasses etc) and start work.meal吃过饭﹐我收拾好桌子﹐开始工作。Can you clear a space for my books?book你腾块地方给我放书好吗?2not guilty [transitive] to prove that someone is not guilty of somethingclear somebody of (doing) somethingJohnson was cleared of murdering his wife.beclearmurder约翰逊已被证明没有犯杀妻罪。3permission [transitive] to give or get official permission to do something: The plane has now been cleared for take-off.havebeclear飞机现在已经得到起飞的许可。clear something with somebodyHas the order been cleared with Mr Herrick?havebeclear这个命令得到赫里克先生的同意了吗?4weather (also clear up) [transitive] if the weather or sky clears, it gets brighter5fence/wall [transitive] to go over a fence, wall etc without touching it6cheque [transitive] if a cheque that is made out to you clears, the bank puts the money into your accountPhrasesclear the air to talk about a problem in order to solve a disagreement with someone: It’s about time you called her to clear the air.call你该给她打个电话说说清楚了。clear your throat to cough a little so that you can speak clearly: He cleared his throat nervously.clear他紧张地清清嗓子。Phrasal verbsclear off phrasal verb British English informal to leave a place quickly: Clear off and leave me alone!滚开﹐别烦我!clear up phrasal verb1clear something ↔ up to explain or solve something, or make it clearer: I need to clear up some details with you.detail有些细节我得跟你说明一下。2if an infection clears up, it gets better




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