

单词 bet
释义 betbetsbettingbetbet1 /bet/ verb [intransitive and transitive] (past tense and past participle bet, present participle betting) to try to win money by saying what the result of a race, game, or competition will bebet (somebody) thatI bet him £5 that he wouldn’t win. 我和他赌五英镑﹐赌他赢不了。bet (something) on somethingShe bet all her money on a horse that came last.come她把所有的钱都押在一匹跑了最后一名的马上。—bettingbettingsbetting noun [uncountable]PhrasesI bet spoken1used to say that you are sure that something is true or happened: I bet they’ll be late.我敢肯定他们会迟到。I bet she was surprised when she saw you at the party.besurprisesee我敢说她在聚会上看到你肯定大吃一惊。2used to show that you agree with someone or understand how they feel: ‘I was furious.’ ‘I bet you were!’bebe“我当时气极了。”“肯定的!”3used to show that you do not believe someone: ‘I’m definitely going to give up smoking.’ ‘Yeah, I bet.’gosmoke“我肯定会戒烟的。”“好啊﹐我来打赌。”you bet! spoken used to say ‘yes’ in a very definite way: ‘Would you like to come?’ ‘You bet!’will“你想去吗?”“当然!”THESAURUS: betgamble to try to win money by playing cards or other games, or guessing the result of a race: Eddie lost a lot of money gambling at the casino.losegamblebet to gamble by paying some money to guess which horse or team will win: bet on a horse/team/gameI bet on a horse named ‘Lucky Rider’ but it didn’t win.namebet £5/$10 etcI bet £50 and lost it all.loseput £10/$20 etc on sth to gamble by paying £10, $20 etc to guess which horse or team will win: Lou put $100 on the Cowboys to win.cowboy




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