

单词 critical
释义 criticalcriticalcritical /ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ adjective1if you are critical of someone or something, you say that you think they are bad or wrongcritical ofEconomists are critical of the plans.economistbeplan经济学家对这些计划提出批评。She made some highly critical remarks.makeremark她发表了一些严厉的批判性言论。2very importantcritical toThe talks are critical to the future of the peace process.talkbe 这些会谈对和平进程的前景至关重要。The effects of climate change are of critical importance.effectbe气候变化的影响至关重要。3serious or dangerous: The driver is still in a critical condition (=seriously ill or injured) in hospital.be那个司机在医院里情况仍然危殆。4[only before noun] judging how good a play, film, book etc is: a critical analysis of Shakespeare对莎士比亚作品的评析—criticallycritically /-kli/ adverb: She’s critically ill.她病情危急。




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