

单词 debt
释义 debtdebtsdebtdebt /det/ noun1[uncountable and countable] if you have debts, or if you are in debt, you owe money to someonedebt ofdebts of £50 milliondebt5000 万英镑的债务in debt (to somebody)I was heavily in debt.be我负债累累。2[countable usually singular] the degree to which you have been influenced by, or helped by, someone or something: Years later, she acknowledged the debt she owed him for his help in London.yearlateacknowledgeowe多年以后﹐她对他在伦敦给予的帮助表示了感谢。be in sb’s debt formal (=be thankful for something someone has done for you)COLLOCATIONS: debtverbsto have debtsHe has debts of almost £30,000.havedebtto run up debts (=borrow more and more money)She ran up big debts while she was at college.rundebtbeto get/fall into debtI was terrified of getting into debt.beterrifygetto pay off a debt (=to pay the money back)He sold the house to pay off his debts.selldebtto repay/settle a debt formal (=to pay the money back)He was hoping he would soon have enough money to settle his debts.behopewilldebtto clear your debts (=to repay all of them)It took him three years to clear his bank debts.takeyeardebtto write off/cancel a debt (=to say officially that it does not have to be paid)The bank finally agreed to write off the debt.agreeadjectivesa big/large/huge debtThe company has huge debts.havedebtan unpaid/outstanding debt (=one that has not yet been paid)I used the money to pay off my outstanding debts.usedebta bad debt (=one that is unlikely to be paid)How can banks protect themselves against bad debts?bankdebtTHESAURUS: debtowe if you owe someone some money, you need to pay it back: You still owe me $50.Let me know how much I owe you for the shopping.shopbe in debt to owe money, especially a lot of money that you have difficulty paying back: Many young people are in debt when they finish university.beWe started getting seriously into debt.startgetbe overdrawn to owe money to your bank because you have spent more money than you had in your account: The bank sent me a letter saying I was overdrawn.sendsaybeIf you are overdrawn, they may charge you interest.bebe in the red informal to owe more money than you have: The company is over £1,000,000 in the red.beI’m always in the red by the end of the month.




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