

单词 altogether
释义 altogetheraltogetheraltogether /ˌɔːltəˈgeðə◂ $ ˌɒːltəˈgeðər◂/ adverb1completely: Bradley seems to have disappeared altogether.seemdisappear布拉德利像是彻底消失了似的。I’m not altogether sure what this word means.mean我不是十分确定这个单词的意思。2including everything or everyone: There were five of us altogether.be我们总共有五个人。3in general, considering everything: It did rain a lot, but altogether I’d say it was a good trip.dobe雨是下了很多﹐但总的来讲﹐我觉得这次旅行不错。Word Choice: altogether or all together?You use altogether to talk about the total amount of people or things:You owe me £5 altogether.你一共欠我五英镑。You use all together to say that people or things are together in a group:When we’re all together, we have a great time.我们大家都在一块儿的时候﹐我们就很开心。




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