

单词 dilapidated
释义 dilapidateddilapidateddilapidated /dɪˈlæpɪdeɪtɪd/ adjective a dilapidated building, vehicle, or piece of furniture is old and in bad conditionTHESAURUS: dilapidatedin bad conditionin bad condition used about something that is damaged, dirty, or not working properly: Parts of the road were in very bad condition.partbeThe pipes were in bad condition and had to be replaced.pipebehavereplacein a terrible state very dirty and untidy, or badly damaged: Her flat was in a terrible state.beAfter the fire, the school was in a terrible state.beshabby shabby clothes, furniture, rooms etc are in bad condition because they have been used a lot: An old man in a shabby suit answered the door.answerThe curtains and carpets looked shabby.curtaincarpetlooktattered tattered clothes and books are old and torn: a tattered brown jacketHis textbooks were all tattered.textbookbedilapidated a dilapidated building is in bad condition because it has not been looked after: Inside, the hotel was slightly dilapidated.bea dilapidated wooden shedbe falling apart used about something that is slowly breaking into pieces because it is old or badly made: I need some new shoes. These are falling apart.shoebefallsth has seen better days informal used as a less direct way of saying that something is not in very good condition: The house was beautiful, although it had seen better days.behaveseewellday




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