

单词 disillusioned
释义 disillusioneddisillusioneddisillusioned /ˌdɪsəˈluːʒənd◂/ adjective unhappy because you have lost your belief that someone or something is true or good—disillusionmentdisillusionment (also disillusiondisillusion) noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: disillusioneddisappointed unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or was not as good as you expected: I was disappointed that I hadn’t won.bedisappointwinHundreds of disappointed fans were unable to get tickets for the game.hundreddisappointfanbeticketfeel let down to feel disappointed, especially because something is not as good as you hoped, or someone did not do what they promised: Fans felt let down after the singer cancelled her concert at the last minute.fanfeelcancelNo one was there to help me and I felt badly let down.befeelbe/feel sorry used when saying that you are disappointed or sad and wish the situation was different: I’m sorry he can’t be with us today.She felt sorry that she hadn’t been able to say goodbye.feelbedisillusioned disappointed because you realize that a person, belief, system etc is not as good as you thought: The economic situation is getting worse and people are becoming disillusioned with the government.begetillbebecomedisillusionTheir leaders are disillusioned with the peace process.leaderbedisillusionheartbroken very sad and upset because of something that has happened: She was heartbroken when their relationship ended.beendPhil was heartbroken when Meli died.bedie




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