

单词 divide
释义 dividedividesdivideddividingdividedivide1 /dəˈvaɪd/ verb1separate into parts [intransitive and transitive] if something divides, or if you divide it, it separates into two or more partsdivide something into somethingThe teacher divided the class into groups.dividegroup老师把全班同学分成几个小组。divide intoThe story divides into three sections.dividesection这则故事分为三部分。2keep apart (also divide off) [transitive] to keep two areas separate from each other: The river divides the North and South sides of the city.divideside这条河把城市分成南北两半。divide something from somethingA curtain divided his sleeping area from ours.dividesleep一块帘子将他睡觉的地方同我们睡觉的地方隔开。3share (also divide up) [transitive] to separate something into parts and give parts to different people, activities etcdivide something between/among something/somebodyHe divided the money equally among his children.dividechild他把钱平分给子女。She divides her time between New York and London.divide她一部分时间在纽约﹐一部分时间在伦敦。4maths [transitive] to calculate how many times one number contains another number ➔ multiplydivide something by something15 divided by 5 is 3.dividebe15除以5等于3。5disagree [transitive] to make people disagree with each other: The issue has divided voters.havedividevoter这个问题使选民产生了意见分歧。THESAURUS disagree




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