

单词 doubtful
释义 doubtfuldoubtfullerdoubtfullestdoubtfuldoubtful /ˈdaʊtfəl/ adjective1probably not true, or unlikely to happenit is doubtful if/whetherIt is doubtful whether she will survive.be很难说她能否活下来。2not certain about somethingdoubtful if/whetherI’m still doubtful if I should take the job.shall我还不确定我是否应该接受这份工作。—doubtfullydoubtfully adverbTHESAURUS: doubtfuldoubt to think that something may not be true or that it is unlikely: Some people doubt these claims.claimI doubt that they’ll agree.There was so much noise that I doubt if anyone slept.besleepI don’t think so/I shouldn’t think so spoken used when saying that you do not think something is true: ‘Do you think she’s married?’ ‘I don’t think so.’marrybe doubtful/dubious to think that something is unlikely to be a good idea, or is unlikely to happen or be true: Mum was doubtful when I suggested having a party for all my friends.besuggesthavefriendI felt rather dubious about his story.feelbe sceptical British English, be skeptical American English to not be sure that something is true, or that something will work: Scientists are skeptical about the benefits of the treatment.scientistbebenefithave mixed feelings to be unsure exactly how you feel about something because there are both good and bad things about it: I had very mixed feelings about leaving home.havemixfeelingleavehave second thoughts to start feeling unsure about whether a decision you have just made is the right one: She was beginning to have second thoughts about going skiing. It sounded rather dangerous.bebeginthoughtgoskisound




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